Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Constitutional Genius that is Thomas J. DiLorenzo
First I present you with Mr. Beck's seriously thoughtful and heartfelt 5 pledges:
1) I believe in a balanced budget and therefore will vote for a freeze in government spending until that goal is realized.
2) I believe government should not increase the financial burden on its' citizenry during difficult economic times therefore I will oppose all tax increases until our economy has rebounded.
3) I believe more than four decades of US dependence on foreign oil is a travesty therefore I will support an energy plan that calls for immediately increasing usage of all domestic resources including nuclear energy, natural gas, and coal as necessary.
4) I believe in the sovereignty and security of our country and therefore will support measures to close our borders except for designated immigration points so we will know who is entering and why and I will vehemently oppose any measure giving another country, the United Nations, or any other entity, power over U.S. citizens.
5) I believe the United States of America is the greatest country on earth and therefore will not apologize for policies or actions which have served to free more and feed more people around the world than any other nation on the planet.
Now, I request that you read Thomas J. DiLorenzo's open letter to Glenn Beck in it's entirety, and come to know how profound the differences were between President Jefferson's and President Lincoln's policies and beliefs.
Happy Thanksgiving
Monday, November 23, 2009
OMG ! Not since 2006 - The End is near !
This is a headline while the fraud perpetrated by the "scientific" community is mostly ignored.
Egads !
Friday, November 20, 2009
New guidelines for Pap Smears
Monday, November 9, 2009
It was Twenty Years Ago Today.......that Germany again tasted Freedom

Publius over at Big Government posted these 1000 words today with the following request:
Just days ago this would seem to be an unnecessary thing to do. We all know that the end of the Communist iron-fisted stranglehold over the citizens of East Berlin was wrong. We all know that such a barbaric death-grip on the populace is evil.
If by we I were to mean none of the intellectuals that posit themselves as brighter than I.
See this was an end to a brighter time,
Without dwelling on the idiocy inherent in such intellectualist rantings as that from Bruni de la Motte, instead just look at the picture of the East German guard risking his life to get to freedom as the wall was being built.
He had a guaranteed job for life ! All of the State's benefits were his ! The best perks were his for the keeping ! Instead he chose FREEDOM !
In the 28 years that the wall stood, there were many who chose to be free at the risk of death. In just a short 20 years there are still many that wish to impose their intellectual will on us who wish to remain free just so they can be assured that they will not fail.
Our Lady of Guadelupe, pray for us !