Following all of the stories of Democrat politicians switching their affiliation to Republican, I was a bit skeptical that they were all for real reasons of political beliefs rather than just making sure that when the sheeple went in to vote next time that the R would assure them re-election.
I was right.
There still are people, supposedly more learned than I in the ways of politics, that contend there is a vast and important difference between Democrats and Republicans.
I say prove it !
Do not give me stories about how Republicans stand up to Democrat encroachments when the Republicans are the unnecessary minority, as they are now.
Show me how the Republicans stood up to Democrats on issues of liberty when either party held a slight majority. List the items that Republicans forced Democrats to lean their way when those majorities were slim.
Do not present stories of principled people standing for liberty and call it Republicans standing for liberty. For each time you show me the Chairman of the RNC, or the former Speaker of the House standing for liberty, I can show you them speaking of "reaching across the aisle" and "seeking bipartisanship".
There are principled people that have an R behind their names, but there are far, far more that do not.
There is not a "dime's worth of difference between the two" parties.
The only thing that matters about a candidate is where does that candidate stand on the issues of liberty. What are the underlying beliefs that form that candidates every position ?
When you know how a candidate feels and thinks about liberty then you know it does not matter which party they chose to join.
The one thing to remember before casting any ballot in the future is: Today every member of the two major political parties is a member primarily to
insure ballot access.
All that the major parties need to remain in power is a misinformed, under-informed, or stupid electorate.
For Liberty to gain a foothold requires an informed and liberty seeking electorate.
Until that time it will seem as if electing Republicans is the only way to go.
However if that were true, then how did we get here ? Didn't we all get told Republicans would solve it all in 1994 ?
Yet here we are with things even worse than 1994.
NOW is the time for all good men to come to their senses.
STOP voting party - START voting LIBERTY !