1 hour ago
Headlights...........including those in your rear view mirror
Never like voting for the lesser of two evils. But if McCain won, we wouldn’t have the tea parties or the march on DC. Obama is over reaching, it’s waking people up. So i get Glen’s point. Glen also said the conservative movement might have been hindered for many years or ruined if McCain won.
...what Glenn Beck was driving towards, if ineloquently. It's the having the crazy old guy in the WH that would have been a huge intractible problem. Perhaps better, Beck ought to have framed his argument by stating that having Obama on the stove-control for the pot of us frogs has it's ideological advantage: Obama and his cluster have turned-up the temperature of the pot so quickly, so high that we frogs are starting to take action. We're not obediently croaking in accordance with Progressive theory.
If the Democrats can't kill the kids in the womb, they sentence them to the worst possible schools.
The Department of State announces the termination of a broad range of assistance to the government of Honduras as a result of the coup d’etat that took place on June 28. The Secretary already had suspended assistance shortly after the coup.