Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What is "Happy"'s real motivation ?

Make no mistake about it. Sen. Reid is not against the prospect of a Sen. Burris because he wasn't elected. Not at all. He stands against a Sen. Burris because, and solely because the naming of Mr. Burris to fill the vacant seat of Former Senator Obama was not done by the guy he wants to do it !

The Washington Post had this on December 10
Dear Governor Blagojevich:

We write to insist that you step down as Governor of Illinois and under no circumstance make an appointment to fill the vacant Illinois Senate seat. In light of your arrest yesterday on alleged federal corruption charges related to that Senate seat, any appointment by you would raise serious questions.

It is within the authority of the Illinois legislature to remove your power to make this appointment by providing for a special election. But a decision by you to resign or to step aside under Article V of the Illinois Constitution would be the most expeditious way for a new Senator to be chosen and seated in a manner that would earn the confidence of the people of Illinois and all Americans.

The country will have more confidence in a selection by someone I like better than you, than if there were to be an election.

How VERY Progressive.

Could it be that the Senate seat is not only no longer for sale, but, instead, already sold ?

How VERY Progressive, indeed.

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